Annie here, and this has been a busy week and a half since I returned from the SouthWest with my teenaged son. We traveled through the Mojave, the Sonora, and finally the Chihuahua deserts, before returning to the plains and woodlands. Three of those deserts had egg traveling carefully secured […]
Greetings from the Mojave Desert!
Yeah – I know, you’re probably wondering what Annie is doing in the Mojave Desert… as of today, getting sick because I forgot to drink enough water and am not used to the heat. I’m doing better now, and tomorrow I begin the trip south with my teenage son traveling […]
It’s been busy on the TinyFeather Homestead, and I stink at blogging…
This weekends goal is to finish the Coop, and the next set of Quail cages. I am also getting a breeding set put together for a very sweet woman who is picking them up on Saturday. My pharoh population rebuild birds, but we have more of that feather type in […]
Aqualium Brooder
Can you brood quail babies in a large fish tank or reptile aquarium? Yes, you can! We have a 27 Gallon reptile tank brooder. Gary built an internal coated hardwire bottom raising the bottom of the space about 2-3in tall. With scraps he built crisis cross the bottom for support […]
Our First Move Out Day
Today is the first day outside for our initial 9 that hatched in January. This is both a sad and happy thing for us – as the space is needed badly by the 20 babies that are just two and a half weeks behind them… and they go out in […]
Seed Season starts soon!
Do you know when the best time to plant for the Metro-East region is? 6 weeks before the LAST frost date… For our area, the last frost date is April 19. Since I don’t have seed mats, I will be starting inside the house next to all the elderberry cuttings […]
The day is over and I am so very glad
Holy enchiladas today was a day for the books. It was a productive workday this morning, I got so much done for the Doula training program I am writing, and feel really empowered there… my latest clients are all healthy and sound, births are on their way to progressing with […]