We are going to be at the Treasures in the Park Event as TinyFeather Homestead and Woodworking! We hope you’ll join us as we will have our quail eggs there for 4.00 a dozen, and many woodworking items as well – Fall and Winter Holiday related! And OF COURSE! It’ll […]
Checking in from the road!
So our teenage son and I have been making our way south today, having woken up super early. We’ll be driving into Arizona and picking up eggs from an NPIP breeder a bit west of Phoenix. Why do we do this? We believe in genetic diversity and in strengthening our […]
Overload of Cuteness
@genxmidwife There are so many that we haven’t counted them yet. In just a few days they say goodbye to their hatch mates and 2/3 go to their new homes. The remaining babies will get big brooders to themselves as this is not the long-term brooder. #quailkeeping #coturnixquail #quailhatchlings ♬ […]
Lessons learned so far this year
August is a busy time on the homestead. Yeah, I know it’s our first year as an official tiny homestead, but still… it’s time for preservation, doing inventory on what we have for glass jars, and do we have enough, determining what needs to be restocked and where it’s resourced […]
Our Latest Hatch and Updates!
On May 14, we picked up just over 2 dozen quail eggs from a local farmer and popped them into a freshly cleaned incubator. Why not incubate our own when we are getting 2-3 dozen eggs from our own quail a day? Well, we have been hatching our own and […]
Sending a clutch to it’s new home.
A father and son are about to pick up all our hatchlings from the last hatch. It’s ok – we have more in the incubator – we are not going to be out of quail, but this is a first for us. We aren’t shipping eggs off, this is a […]
Tools make the job easier I tell you…
We started with quail adults at the end of December. It’s now the end of February – and 2 months exactly since we got our first birds. These little Coturnix Quail are amazing creatures that we love raising, and I am glad we have chosen to do so. We are […]
I want one of those cages!
As the popularity of our content grows, we have been asked about our quail cages – specifically, if we would build one for their quail. We are happy to announce that yes, we can! Click here to find out more!
The care and housing of Coturnix quail.
Currently, in my greenhouse, we have 1 stacked set that has 2 cages my husband built. Gary built them after watching youtube channels about quail with inspiration by those who have much more experience than we have. Based on their designs ours too have a roll-out bottom for catching eggs. […]
Of Quail and Dogs…
We have a full-grown hen that will not lay… She’s got 16 hours a day of lighting, proper nutrition and yet she is just too tiny to lay eggs. Our 3-week olds in the grow-up reptile tank are bigger than she is. Her days are numbered as we don’t want […]