@genxmidwife There are so many that we haven’t counted them yet. In just a few days they say goodbye to their hatch mates and 2/3 go to their new homes. The remaining babies will get big brooders to themselves as this is not the long-term brooder. #quailkeeping #coturnixquail #quailhatchlings ♬ […]
Month: August 2022
Lessons learned so far this year
August is a busy time on the homestead. Yeah, I know it’s our first year as an official tiny homestead, but still… it’s time for preservation, doing inventory on what we have for glass jars, and do we have enough, determining what needs to be restocked and where it’s resourced […]
It’s been busy on the TinyFeather Homestead, and I stink at blogging…
This weekends goal is to finish the Coop, and the next set of Quail cages. I am also getting a breeding set put together for a very sweet woman who is picking them up on Saturday. My pharoh population rebuild birds, but we have more of that feather type in […]