This is a picture of the installation of the very first stacking rollout cage Gary built with our original birds in it. Our cages are now built with covered egg rollouts to keep inquisitive young quail from getting out and sneaky egg-thieving predators from accessing our quail’s eggs.

It all has to start somewhere right?

We can blame the Covid pandemic for this turn our life took into raising these amazing little birds and our woodwork shop.  Lemons into Lemonade right?

We invested in a greenhouse, with the intent to raise our own food – and somehow Annie thought there’d be vegetables in it instead of mellow little birds.  It’s funny how life happens to work out.  Gary learned woodworking to build cages and we started with recycled wood, to minimize our investment in case this didn’t work out.  Oddly enough it truly has worked out beyond our wildest dreams!

We’ve come farther than expected on this journey…
This coming year will see our eggs at local farmer’s markets, as well as handmade wooden items from Gary’s woodshop.  We’ve both grown in knowledge and skill,  and enjoy the process as we continue to learn, grow, and expand in our craft.

We now have 11 independent lines of quail and over half of those are Celadon egg layers!  While we make no claims of 100% true blue, we can say that our birds have generations of only blue eggs when bred to others with generations of the Celedon gene, and we are careful to maintain only the healthiest of birds for our breeding program.  We receive consistent feedback from those who’ve bought hatchlings from us that our quail are friendly, healthy and don’t seem to stress as easy from noise or other back yard pets.  Even a loud dog can sometimes be an issue to quail, but ours seem to handle noise and activity with grace and are unaffected by our loud one-year-old Great Dane/Yellow Lab mix who still gets the zoomies and barks at the nearest falling leaf. 

We are not NPIP Certified YET… but that’ll be on our plate in November of this year, and we prefer quality over quantity.  We will happily ship woodwork items but can’t and won’t ship quail eggs until the spring of 2023, we have no plans to ship live birds at any time – as it’s just too high a risk to our well-loved little birds.

Thank you for joining us on this and we welcome you to our little corner of the net.